Natanael C. Costa


  Current position: Assistant Professor, Instituto de Física, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, since Dec. 2019.

[Also collaborator in the Graduate Program of Physics of UFPI (Brazil), and SISSA (Italy)]

  Address: Instituto de Física, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Cx. P. 68528 – 21941-972


  Tel: – -

  Room: A-451, Centro de Tecnologia


Academic Degree: Ph.D in Physics (2018), Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Research area: Theory in Condensed Matter, Strongly correlated electrons

Lattes CV (Brazilian CNPq): CURRÍCULO LATTES (Portuguese)

An English Short CV version is available HERE (as PDF — last update 19/10/2021)

Google Scholar: link here

OrcId: link here

ResearchID/Publons: link here

Dynamical resilience to disorder: The dilute Hubbard model on the Lieb lattice

lieb_diluted  In this recent article published in Phys. Rev. B, we investigate dilute magnetism in flat band systems, namely in the Hubbard model on a ‘Lieb’ lattice. Interestingly, we show that magnetic order persists to dilutions almost twice as large as the classical percolation threshold for the lattice, thus emphasizing the central role of electron itinerancy to the magnetic response.

Abertas inscrições para Exame Unificado de Física


Transverse field XY model

diamond We consider the transverse field model on the frustrated diamond chain, considering anisotropic exchange parameters between nearest-neighbor spins. As our key results, we present phase diagrams anisotropy magnetic field at zero temperature, discussing the emergence of phases and their quantum critical points.